What is the definition of an SME used for this call?
That depends on the definition used in the national eligibility criteria, please check the call text on the website www.thcspartnership.eu. As an indication, you could use the following criteria of the European Commission.
Company category | Staff headcount | Turnover | Or Balance sheet total |
Medium-sized | < 250 | ≤ € 50 m | ≤ € 43 m |
Small | < 50 | ≤ € 10 m | ≤ € 10 m |
Micro | < 10 | ≤ € 2 m | ≤ € 2 m |

How many calls will the THCS partnership organise?
The THCS partnership aims to announce a call each year. How many calls will be launched by the programme will be decided as the partnership evolves.
What if your country is not in the THCS partnership? Can they still participate in the call? Can
these countries participate with their ‘own’ funds?
If there is no funder from your country participating, then you can only join a consortium with your own funding. To see if your national/regional funder joins the THCS call, please check the call text on the website www.thcspartnership.eu.
What is the budget for the 2023 call?
The total budget for call 2023 is around €38 million.
Is there a minimum and/or maximum amount of funding for each project?
Funding depends on how much your project needs and on the potential budget limit in the eligibility criteria of your national funder. Please check the eligibility criteria in Annex 1 of the call text.
Where does the funding for this call come from?
The majority of the budget will come from participating funding agencies, and on top of that the European Commission contributes to a maximum of 30%.
What kind of organisations/companies/charities/patient organisations/etc. can apply?
The type of organisations which can apply for funding depends on the eligibility criteria of your responsible funding agency. Please, check the eligibility criteria in Annex 1 of the call text.
How do I find partners for a consortium?
The THCS programme offers an online partner search tool. In this tool, you can make a request for partners and read other users announcements. Click here to enter the tool.
Next to that you could use the THCS linked page to find potential partners and, of course, you can contact your own network.
Do all partners already need to be on board when submitting the intent to apply?
A minimum of three partners from three different countries have to be on board when submitting the intent to apply. However, you can add or change partners in the final proposal.
Is it mandatory for proposals to include one specific type of care?
This call does not have a specific focus on one type of care. It is an open call. For example project can focus on mental health care, hospital care, or care at home. More information on the scope of the call can be found in the call text.
If a country has multiple funders: how is it decided which funder you should address for funding?
This depends on the eligibility criteria of the different funders. As long as you are eligible, it is up to you, as partner, to decide at which funding agency you apply for funding. Please, check the eligibility criteria of the different funders in the call text, and contact the involved funding agencies for more information.
There are two aims described in the call text. Do projects that apply have to cover one or both?
It is up to the consortia to decide which aims fits best to their project goal. They can choose one of the aims. Projects do not have to cover both aims.
Will applicants receive feedback on the ‘intent to apply’ form?
There will be no feedback on the content of ‘intent to apply’ form. In case possible issues with the composition of your consortium are flagged, we will contact you. The ‘intent to apply’ is used as an indication for the expected applications and to know which type of applications will be send in.