The first meeting of THCS' Advisory Board takes place in Bruxelles

On April 10th and 11th, members of the THCS’ Advisory Board met for the first time, hosted by Scotland House Brussels

The first meeting of THCS' Advisory Board takes place in Bruxelles

The first meeting of THCS' Advisory Board (AB) finally took place last April 10 and 11.

THCS’s AB includes experts and stakeholders representatives that cover the entire spectrum of health and care systems. Its goal is to ensure that the Partnership maintains a strong international dimension and is linked with key policies and networks at EU and international level, giving its takes on strategic orientations and on possible synergies.

Specifically, the Advisory Board provides advice on and contribute to:

  • the Science to Policy Dialogue;
  • the translation of research results into innovative solutions and implementing actions;
  • the identification of synergies & collaborations with key EU and international initiatives;
  • ensuring an adequate monitoring and evaluation of the Partnership performance by providing insight on selected key strategic deliverables.

On the first day, WP leaders presented to the members of the AB the current state of the art of their work, outlining future activities and giving a general overview of the partnership’s current implementation status.  

On the second day, a collective Brainstorming for the development of THCS’ 2025 Annual Work Plan took place, with members of both the Strategic and Advisory boards discussing together which priorities THCS should focus on next year.

The members of the AB that were present at the meeting were:

The first meeting of THCS' Advisory Board takes place in Bruxelles

THCS’ AB goal is to ensure that the Partnership maintains a strong international dimension and is linked with key policies and networks at EU and international level, giving its takes on strategic orientations and on possible synergies.