CountryDE, FR, NL
CallJTC 2013


Integrative cancer-immunology and Immunoscore for cancer classification and immunotherapies

Project Coordinator

  • Jérôme GALON
    • INSERM UMRS1138-Centre de recherche des cordeliers
    • Paris - France

Project Partners

  • Franck PAGES
    • Hopital Européen Georges Pompidou
    • Paris- France
  • Arndt HARTMANN
    • University of Erlangen
    • Erlangen - Germany
    • Radboud umc
    • Nijmegen - The Netherlands
  • Paolo ASCIERTO
    • Instituto dei tumori Fondazione
    • Naples - Italy
  • Dolores LOZANO
    • Universidad de Navarra 
    • Pamplona - Spain